Wednesday, 3 November 2010


List of Re-Shoots

Shot No. 1
Wide shot of the protagonist rushing swiftly, panic inflicted past the camera and enetering the house.

Location: Exterior of the House

Technical difficulties: Unstable Camera due to no tripod.

Lighting difficulties: Filmed at dusk, misty.

The quality was poor.

Re-Shoot Date: November 15th 2010

Shot No. 2
Long/Wide Shot of the Protagonist answering the door, yet she is completely unaware that there are people within her domain.

Location: Interior the House, the Main Hallway

In The Frame: Staircase, Narrow Hallway & the Front Entrance (Porch).

Technical Difficulties: Unstable Camera due to no tripod.

Significant plot changes and shot re-arrangements.

The addition of the Second antagonist.

Re-Shoot Date: November 15th 2010

Shot No. 3
Shot of the Antagonist underneath the glow of the street lamp, gradually approaching and getting closer towards the camera.

Location: Exterior, within the neighbourhood

Lighting Difficulties: Daylight clashed with the glow of the Street Lamp.

Shot Changes.

Limited Purposes for Shots.

Significant plot changes, the addition of the Second Antagonist.

Re-Shoot Date: November 15th 2010

Shot No. 4
The Protagonist is hiding behind a breakfast bar. The antagonist walks slowly behind the bar scraping a knife along the counter.

Location: Interior, the kitchen

Technical Difficulties: Unstable Camera due to no tripod.

Shot and Angle changes for this specific shot.

The addition of the Second Antagonist.

The quality was poor.

Re-Shoot Date: November 15th 2010

Shot No. 5
Hill Shot facing downwards, the Antagonists enter the scene and head towards the house where the Protagonist has just gone to.

Location: Exterior, a hill within the Cul De Sac.

The Shot was filmed on a road where cars were continuely passing by which were not apart of the Mise-En-Scene.

The quality was poor.

Lighting Difficulties: The street lamp that was illuminating the Area was not strong enough.

Re-Shoot Date: November 15th 2010

Shot No. 6
This shot is a wide shot of the Outside to see the action occur from an outsider point of view.

Location: Exterior of the Front Entrance

Technical Difficulties: Unstable camera due to no tripod.

Lighting Difficulties: The shots were difficult to film as the dusk lighting and lights clashed so the action was difficult to see.

Shot and angle compositions were significantly changed.

Re-Shoot Date: November 15th 2010

Shot No. 7
The protagonist is sat down, hears a bang and then approaches the front porch.

Location: Interior of the house

Technical Difficulties: Unstable Camera due to no tripod.

More shot and Angle compositions were need for diversity,

Original footage was poor quality.

Changes of style.

Re-Shoot Date: November 15th 2010

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