The Outcome of the results for the Survey will play huge influence on the Final Decisions for the Trailer which will include Stylisation, Composition, Mise-En-Scene, Characters etc. This is a way in which I can receive the opinions from my Target Audience to distinguish the expectations of the Trailer and how they would interpret a Film within the Horror Genre.
Are you Male or Female? (Total Votes: 11)
Male 5 (45%)
Female 6 (54%)
From the results, Females have predominantly exceeded the Male vote giving them a majority, this only by 1 vote so they are only segregated a small majority. It would be expected that Males would prove to be the classification in which would more likely to watch Horror Genre Films but that is not the case and they are almost equal to the Females. For the Trailer I will aim to produce a project which appeals to both Genders and is not segregated to a one-gender appeal. I will aim to create a Trailer and imagery for the campaign which is suitable for both Genders and not be biased.
11-13 1 (9%)
14-17 2 (18%)
18-21 8 (72%)
21+ 0 (0%)
What Age Are You? (Total Votes: 11)
11-13 1 (9%)
14-17 2 (18%)
18-21 8 (72%)
21+ 0 (0%)
In this case, the majority age is that of Our Target Audience aim proving that Horror Films are significantly more appealing to a younger generation. This has confirmed for us that this will be the Age Range for the Trailer and Genre in which we will be tackling and trying to break. The Trailer will emit a contemporary feel and be placed within the Modern day as opposed to setting the Time Period for the Trailer in a past situation which the Audience cannot connect with. It will also make the Trailer come to life and feel more realistic as it will be within the Modern day contemplating that the events of the Film could possibly happen, and we will aim not to completely far-fetch and create something which is near to very un-likely to happen.
What is your Preferred Film Title? (Total Votes: 11)
Intervention 6 (54%)
The Tormented 0 (0%)
Horrorville 2 (18%)
Forgotten 3 (27%)
The most popular Title proved to be "Intervention" by garnering the majority vote of the Public whom voted. Personally, this was my favourite option as it is very anti-conventional and not as typical for a Horror Generated Film as "Horrorville" & "Forgotten" are. The name is very vivid and creates a huge variety of plots which can be dealt with, it is also a striking name for the Audience to remember and can also become something which is iconic, instead of creating a Trailer Title which is obvious and not as appealing. It also creates this mystery factor as we are unaware as to what can happen with this Plot & Title as it is unexpected for an Audience to know what to expect, it could be anything.
What Kind of Location would you Prefer to see a Horror Film Set within?
(Total Votes: 11)
A Church 1 (9%)
An Abandoned Building 3 (27%)
Open Landscape 1 (9%)
An Urban Area 3 (27%)
For this question specifically, there was a joint majority for which people would Prefer to see a Horror Film to be set. "A House", "An Abandoned Building" & "An Urban Area" became the most popular answers so for our Trailer we aim to create a piece which is diverse and spreads across multiple environments and is placed within an Urban atmosphere. This will add variety to our piece, although there will be a focal area in which the Trailer focuses on but it will not be completely segregated to one place e.g. One room within a Household.
What Gender would you Imagine the 'Antagonist'? (Total Votes: 9)
Male 5 (54%)
Female 4 (45%)
The main popularity for this Question is that a Male Antagonist is the preferred option for the Audience. Conventionally, in a huge amount of Horror/Thriller Films the Antagonist is generally Male, there is not a hugely significant amount of these Styles of Film which feature a Female Antagonist (e.g. Fatal Attraction & Obsessed). We want to stay true to the Audiences opinions so we will aim to follow the decision of the Voting Poll, although we want to create a piece which is not your conventionally typical Horror Film but we want to make the piece more realistic. But, because there is a strong amount of Votes for a Female Antagonist we will take this into consideration in the Planning Stages.
What would you expect the 'Antagonist' to be Wearing? (Select 2) (Total Votes: 11)
Halloween Mask 3 (27%)
White Theatre Mask 4 (36%)
Hoody Hiding Their Face 4 (36%)
Drenched in Blood 2 (18%)
Suit 2 (18%)
Cloak 1 (9%)
Wedding Dress 1 (9%)
Regular Clothing 1 (9%)
Blood Stained Clothing 5 (45%)
For this Question specifically we had the inclusion of various Costume Styles which were both conventional and anti-conventional of the Horror Genre to see which ones would be most effective and selected for the anti-conventional style. The majority expected an Antagonist to be disguised in either a "White Theatre Mask" or a "Hoody Hiding Their Face" dressed in "Blood Stained Clothing" 2 of which are very conventional of a Horror Film, the "White Theatre Mask" being anti-conventional because of how bland they are but some would argue that they are eerie because there is no expression and we are unable to see the Face of the Person wearing it. This will be a strong contender for the final Costume Design.
What would you expect the 'Protagonist' to be styled like? (Total Votes: 10)
Casual Dress 6 (60%)
Formal Wear 3 (30%)
Fancy Dress 0
Underdressed 1 (10%)
The majority vote went to "Casual Dress", for this question for both the Audience and Ourselves there would not be any strong expectations for the Protagonist to be dressed other than casually because unless there is a situation for the Characters within to be at some form of Party then there is no other reason as to why we should see them in their everyday styling. We think this will be most appropriate and will be the style in which we follow for the Main Character.
What Gender would you imagine the 'Protagonist'? (Total Votes: 10)
Male 4 (40%)
Female 6 (60%)
Generally, if a Male Antagonist is chosen then a Female Protagonist is usually the opposing Gender selected to show a contrast between them (and vice verser). So we will stay true to the Audience opinions and have a Female Lead.
Do you find the use of 'Captions' in Horror Trailers effective? (Total Votes: 11)
Yes 11 (100%)
No 0 (0%)
This was the first unanimous decision made by the Audience Votes and Captions will in-definitely be included within out Trailer. This is a convention of Most Horror Trailers as it gives the Audience an understanding of what is happening or being Questioned as the Trailer progresses without having to see the Entire film. They do not give away the absolute plot but give the Audience a taster as to what is happening.
What Style of Music/Sound would you prefer to hear in a Horror Trailer?
(Total Votes: 11)
Melodic 1 (9%)
Slow Paced 1 (9%)
Frightening Elemental Music 3 (27%)
Fast Paced 1 (9%)
Both 5 (45%)
The majority vote for this part of the Survey went to "Both". This option personally was the one in which I would have Voted for as conventionally, Horror Trailers include both Styles of Music to build on the Intensity of the Project to get Audiences feeling nervous and tense. The Melodic Music being the Style which introduces the Trailer and the Frightening Elemental Music to build Momentum within the piece.
What pace would you expect a Horror Trailer to follow? (Total Votes: 10)
Fast Pace Throughout 1 (10%)
Slow, then gaining Momentum and Speed 9 (90%)
Slow Pace Throughout 0 (0%)
Begins fast then gradually Slows down 0 (0%)
The majority voted that the Trailer follows that pattern "Slow, then gaining Momentum and Speed". This specific pattern is one in which Most Horror Trailers follows as the Slow element of the Trailer introduces the Audience to the Movie, the Characters and the beginning of the Plot. As the Trailer begins to gain in "Momentum and Speed" it builds on the Action and the Intensity, this makes the Audience nervous and frightened as to what will happen next. It also moves the Trailer along reaching the peak of the Trailer which usually features an element which gets the Audience on edge. This a Style which our Trailer will abide to so it creates the Horror-Styled Trailer.
Would you expect a Trailer to reveal the Intentions of an Antagonist?
(Total Votes: 10)
Yes 3 (30%)
Partially 4 (40%)
No 3 (30%)
There was a Mixed Reaction this Question within the Survey, each answer was practically equal yet "Partially" received the majority vote (only by 1 vote). This questions our options as to whether we should reveal either not enough or too much about the Antagonist and what he plans to do to the Protagonist. This will be a strong decision to be made as this is one of the Main Factors within the Trailer, the fate of the Protagonist and the actions of the Antagonist. We will make strong decisions as to how we will go about creating this element about the Antagonist and how much we want our Audiences to know. Personally, I would not like the Audience to huge amount about the Antagonist, I would want them to know as little as possible so it entices them to want to go and see the Film and understand more about the Plot.
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